Understand Your Caregiver Role

You're Part of a Team

Making yourself a priority might sound easier said than done. You might be thinking - who’s going to do it if I don’t? Keep in mind you are not alone in this process. You are part of a team - whether it be friends, family members, or healthcare providers. It’s important to identify who the support team is and provide care for the person in need together.

Below, you will find a list of tasks, some that you’ve done and some that will come up:


As you think about what you may or may not be able to take on, consider these questions below. Remember, you don’t have to do it all! You are part of a team.

Review this example below and use the template to help you break down tasks with others.

Talk with the person you are supporting about your ideas after breaking down caregiver tasks. Discuss how comfortable they feel with the shift in plans and how they would want this transition to look like. For example, does this new plan require them to disclose their suicidal thoughts with someone new? Review the What to Say When Others Ask section to prepare for these conversations and ensure all parties feel comfortable.

If the person does not feel this is a good idea, work with them to find acceptable alternatives and plan ahead. Resources from our directory as well as the person's insurance provider, therapist or case manager should be explored as well.

Processing what each task entails helps you balance support for the person in need with your own priorities. Breaking down tasks systematically allows for collaboration, and avoids resentment and burnout. Ultimately, taking the pressure off any one person is good for everyone involved.

SID is not a substitute for clinical treatment or crisis intervention

If you are looking for emergency support, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Suicide Is Different's content and products were developed by subject matter experts for educational purposes only and intended for use by adults. We encourage you to review our Resource Directory if you are looking for clinical services or supports outside of the US.

Porcupine deep in thought
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