Know Your Limits

Boundaries 101

You might be surprised a module about boundaries is found under the self-care section. Setting boundaries can often feel confrontational and cold as you are drawing a line and asking others not to cross it.

In this section, we aim to reframe that idea and help you recognize your limits. Knowing your own limits is a crucial step to making sure you put yourself first. In the midst of all the changes in your life as a suicide caregiver, learning to communicate what you can and cannot do helps you find balance and establish a new normal.

noun | bound-ary | \ ˈbaun-d(ə-)rē \
A limit you set to maintain balance and comfort in your life

  • Physical: Limit for space - determining what is your personal space vs. another person’s space
  • Emotional: Separating your feelings - determining how you feel and what you need vs. the feelings and needs of others
  • Social: Expectations set for your relationships - establishing what you need and what you’re willing to give in a relationship vs. what the other person needs and expects

Boundaries are unique as they are determined by how you were raised, your cultural beliefs and your past experiences. They can change based on the situation and who is involved.

Think about a hug. Does it make you feel cared for and loved? Or does it feel uncomfortable and awkward? Maybe it depends on the situation and the relationship you have with the person.

How do you tell someone you don’t want them to hug you? It’s a tricky conversation to have but communicating what your boundaries are openly helps you maintain a healthy and sustainable relationship.


Remember - setting boundaries is not selfish! Knowing your own limits and taking steps to set yourself up for success is crucial to your own wellness as well as your caregiver role.

SID is not a substitute for clinical treatment or crisis intervention

If you are looking for emergency support, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Suicide Is Different's content and products were developed by subject matter experts for educational purposes only and intended for use by adults. We encourage you to review our Resource Directory if you are looking for clinical services or supports outside of the US.

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